Boat Aperitif

Boat Aperitif

Picture this: a boat aperitivo with the sun setting in the background and the lavender sea blending into the sky. Is there anything more relaxing? Guests who have already experienced this will surely want to relive it, but for those responsible for organizing, it...
The Well-Stocked Galley

The Well-Stocked Galley

If we are experienced sailors, we surely know how important it is to organize a well-stocked pantry. If this is our first time experiencing it, we will need some tips to stock up on food without making mistakes with types and quantities. Assuming our vacation will...
Fun activities on a boat

Fun activities on a boat

For sailing enthusiasts, being on a boat in the middle of the sea is happiness in itself. However, even the most passionate sailors can get bored, especially if they have companions less captivated by the experience. This raises the question of how to have fun on...